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Nigeria president Buhari vowed to carry out corruption in the end

 Published:2015-08-23 16:20:33    Source:    Views:1057

Nigeria's president Buhari vowed to carry out corruption in the end

Article source: business office in Nigeria embassy 00:32 2015-08-20
According to Nigeria's "today" reported in August 18th, Nigerian President Buhari on the 17 day to support its anti-corruption civil organization said he will not yield to any pressure, vowed to fight corruption in the end, the recovery of the country's wealth. At present, the Buhari administration because of corruption and the pressure to bear the daily gain, including some critics accused of its anti-corruption work has a clear direction.
Bukhari stressed that the current government will be carried out in accordance with the law of corruption behavior, no matter what the face of pressure or supplication, anti-corruption actions will continue to, all the misappropriation of state property of the people will be brought to justice. The people of Nigeria because looking for a change and to choose their own to become president. Now he must comply with the public opinion, change the previous corruption rampant corruption situation, in order to avoid the country's demise. (Liu Hongyang) stone coated steel roofing tiles     china stone coated steel roofing tiles     china stone veneers manufacturers